• I am an active Christian who strives every day to live my life more like Christ. I enjoy rock climbing, reading, and writing, and I am currently working on my third novel. I’m only 26, so I don’t really know what God has in store for me yet. But stick around, and maybe we’ll find out together.

  • I write about faith, love, adventure, angels, demons, portals, revolutions, and more.

  • I work at a really cool ministry called Christian Student Fellowship, where I have the privelege of spending my days with college kids who are asking the tough questions about life and faith.

What is God’s goal for His people? Reconciliation and communion with Him and one another.

My mission is to that end as well.

To honor Christ, to look toward God’s design. To make everybody feel like a somebody. To share the love of Christ.

My Writing

My Writing

My Ministry

My Ministry

My Life

My Life

Christian Student Fellowship

I love my job, and I am so lucky that God called me to be a part of the work He’s doing here.  Please pray for another great semester and for God to move in bigger ways than the staff and I can even begin to imagine. And pray that I remember always that there are souls at stake here.

Also, if you are willing and able, I am fundraising my salary!

Heaven's Wars

Heaven's Wars

My first baby, Heaven’s Wars, is on his journey to publication! Follow along through the ups and downs of querying and letting the world know him!