Hi! It’s nice to meet you.

If we’ve never met before, hello!

My name is Leah Amber Walker, and I’m 26 years old. I live in Bowling Green, Kentucky, which is the city I went to college in! I graduated from Western Kentucky University in 2020 with a Bachelor’s in English Creative Writing and Religious Studies. And now, I work at Christian Student Fellowship, which is a campus ministry that serves WKU’s students.

What’s this website about?

This website is where I share my journey of following wherever God leads me! I’m in full-time ministry at CSF right now, and I know God has called me to writing. I don’t know what that looks like yet, so here I am, figuring it out. You can get news and updates here, as well as my personal thoughts along the way! I also am on a journey of getting published, which is confusing and scary, so here is where you can meet all my works in their various stages of that journey!

What have you written and can I read it?

If you follow this website and/or get my newsletters, you read my writing all the time! But seriously, I’ve written several sermons, which you can read on this site, several short works of nonfiction, some of which you can read here as well, and two full novels, which you can’t read yet. I’m working on getting them published, though, so stay tuned! You can also check out what else I’m working on here.

How can I support your mission at CSF?

Thank you for being interested! I’m always looking for more support. You can sign up to receive my newsletters (below), pray for me regularly, and you can give at wkucsf.org/give. Any monetary support goes to paying my salary, as my position is fully fundraised. If you want to learn more about CSF, reach out or check out this page.

Follow my journey.

All About Me

I’ve changed so much over my 26 years of life, and it’s been a whirlwind. These days, I’m passionate about sharing the story of Jesus however I can, including one-on-one conversations with young people and friends, sharing from the stage at my job, writing short posts to share online, and writing fictional stories about characters exploring theological questions. The Lord has called me to a life dedicated to him, and everything I do is (or should be!) a reflection of that.

I love my job, and I’m so blessed to be able to do what I do! You can read more about it elsewhere on this site, but in a sentence, I get to share the love of Jesus with college students every day and live life along side them as they discover what it means to be with Jesus, be like Jesus, and do what Jesus did. I learn so much from them, and I hope they’re learning from me.

I also write so much—for work, yes, but also stories and novels that explore the intricacies of life and what it means to be human. Some of my favorite topics to explore in fiction are spiritual warfare, community, and discovering your destiny. Heaven’s Wars is my first completed novel on its way to publication!

In my free time, I love to read, rock climb, garden, and spend time with my friends.