Recovery & Restoration

This update was sent as an email on December 2nd; sign up for Leah’s letters to get the inside scoop!

I can’t believe it’s been three months already, and even more so, I can’t believe the 2023 fall semester is coming to an end next week. As students prep for final exams and finish up their final projects, I thought I’d go ahead and let you in on all I’ve been up to since last time! My life was jam-packed, so let’s jump right in!

My 26th birthday was October 13th!

Last update, I was just about to have surgery to get my gallbladder taken out. I think it’s safe to say the surgery went well, and I am definitely back to 100%! The two weeks following surgery were super weird because I was forced to spend time resting and recovering, even though I started feeling mostly better after the first few days. It was a bummer to not be able to climb, but I’m pleased to say that I bounced back quickly! My mom spent the first few days after my surgery with me in Bowling Green, cooking for me, reorganizing my pantry, cleaning my kitchen, and playing lots of games. It was nice spending so much time with her (and very helpful since at first I couldn’t even get out of bed on my own). Olivia drove me around for the first week after, and so many people brought me meals; I felt so, so loved. The rest of September was full of doctor’s appointments, drastic diet changes, hang outs with students and friends, and learning to live in recovery. Living life at a slower pace was new for me, but it was definitely necessary for my spiritual growth. I didn’t mention it in my last update, but over the summer I was put on medication that helps with depression and anxiety, and I feel so much better in my own skin. I didn’t realize how I was feeling until I wasn’t feeling it anymore; it’s been quite an adjustment to experience life and ministry without any anxiety and worry (or at least much less). I’ve had to learn what it feels like to internally motivate myself and listen to the Lord without the fear of what others or God will think of me. I’ve been thinking a lot about performing for the Lord and trying to earn His affection, when He has already given it to me for free. It’s a process, but my slower September gave me lots of time to think about that. In October, my 26th birthday came with lots and lots of fun and friends, and I was so loved and blessed by everyone that week, especially all those who came to my birthday party at the climbing gym.

Around that time, CSF events started ramping up … [redacted].

Unfortunately, I’m pretty behind in fundraising.

My new goal is $38,571.50 (for a take home pay of $2,250 per month), which is a $12,857.35 increase from last year. This summer, I raised $21,140, putting me at about 54.8% funded for the year. I’ve since raised enough to put me at 65.9% funded, but I still have a ways to go. My salary was supposed to increase in August, but I decided to wait until I was closer to fully funded so that I won’t overdraw, leaving me taking home $1,500 per month. The increase in salary is to cover increasing medical costs, including getting new health insurance and paying for my surgery and other medical bills. Please consider partnering with me and helping me reach my fundraising goal by January.

If you have any questions about how my paychecks work, how I pay taxes, where your donations would go, and why I fundraise, please feel free to reach out to me. I would love to answer your questions! Aside from giving and praying, I would also really appreciate it if you could recommend to me anyone who you think would be interested in hearing my story and may want to partner with me! You could either have them reach out to me or give me their contact information so I can connect with them.

I have $13,151.50 left to raise; check out the chart below and adopt a circle!

If you want to hear more about my ministry and life (and see LOTS of pictures), sign up for Leah’s Letters! I send out an email update every three months—the next one will be around March. Sign up now so you don’t miss it!

This will be the last email that I publish as a blog post. You must be subscribed to my email list to receive anymore updates like this one.


2024 Goals


Joy in the Wilderness